This was my first Airbnb experience! This site allowed me to find a suitable place for me to stay considering my budget and preferences. Loving the view from here! |
As you can see I am just too content at Green Park. |

Hello Mate! |
Buckingham Palace |
Beanie: Ebay | Top: Goodwill | Cardigan: H&M | Necklace&Bag&Jeans: UO | Nikes
It has definitely been too long since I last wrote a post! Even though it has been a little over a month ever since I moved here in England to study abroad for a term, it still feels surreal. Despite of the weather and transportation adjustments, everyday still feels like a dream. The first week after my arrival, my friend and I stayed in London for nine days to initially attend London Fashion Week. But we ended up exploring more than we expected! The first three days's adventures consisted of Central London, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Holborn, parks, and many more!
Lately I have been occupied with school, traveling, and simply just living life. But I must take a nap before heading out for another trip in a few hours! Laters mates!