
Modtex (if you haven't heard) is a store located in downtown Fullerton that promotes reused fashion! Today my girls and I visited and put together some looks for casual day or night out! 

Rachael Yi's look screams edgy and bold. The oversized jean jacket is perfect for the contrasting fitted  black top and bottom she has on. 

Modtex carried these Jeffrey Campbells, say what?! 

Ainhi Le's look gives an edgy, but sweet look. Leather and acid washed denim is a nice duo if you are going for that edgy look. But with a cardigan and low booties, you can easily tone it down.

Isabelle Tcheng went for a chic look. From the color palette of the sweater, using the darker color black, we paired it with this pretty pleated pleather skirt. Accessories are very important when bringing an outfit to life. Here, a sweet tiered necklace with white and clear crystals is used. Cut out shoes are very popular, especially with boots and heels. These add a sweet yet sophisticated look.  

My look is for the day evening to night gals who want to bring out the colors of autumn. I enjoy the burgundy color lately, so I used this leather skirt as a base to pair everything else. With a more loose bottom, this top stood out to me with its pattern. In contrast to the looser fit of the skirt, this shirt hugs my body just perfectly. 

Evenings can get a little chilly, so I added this cream poncho as well as for more texture. 

Can't finish a fall look without darker lips!

Casual Looks with an Edge 

Classy Chic Looks

Are you more an edgy girl or a classy chic gal? Doesn't hurt to be a little of both. :-)
If you happen to stop by the store and picked out a few new pieces. I would love to see them or how you styled them! #staceymodtex

Modtex (if you haven't heard) is a store located in downtown Fullerton that promotes reused fashion! Today my girls and I visited and put together some looks for casual day or night out! 

Rachael Yi's look screams edgy and bold. The oversized jean jacket is perfect for the contrasting fitted  black top and bottom she has on. 

Modtex carried these Jeffrey Campbells, say what?! 

Ainhi Le's look gives an edgy, but sweet look. Leather and acid washed denim is a nice duo if you are going for that edgy look. But with a cardigan and low booties, you can easily tone it down.

Isabelle Tcheng went for a chic look. From the color palette of the sweater, using the darker color black, we paired it with this pretty pleated pleather skirt. Accessories are very important when bringing an outfit to life. Here, a sweet tiered necklace with white and clear crystals is used. Cut out shoes are very popular, especially with boots and heels. These add a sweet yet sophisticated look.  

My look is for the day evening to night gals who want to bring out the colors of autumn. I enjoy the burgundy color lately, so I used this leather skirt as a base to pair everything else. With a more loose bottom, this top stood out to me with its pattern. In contrast to the looser fit of the skirt, this shirt hugs my body just perfectly. 

Evenings can get a little chilly, so I added this cream poncho as well as for more texture. 

Can't finish a fall look without darker lips!

Casual Looks with an Edge 

Classy Chic Looks

Are you more an edgy girl or a classy chic gal? Doesn't hurt to be a little of both. :-)
If you happen to stop by the store and picked out a few new pieces. I would love to see them or how you styled them! #staceymodtex

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  1. Really nice outfits girls !

  2. All of u look amazing!!


  3. You ladies all look fabulous! I love your burgundy skirt!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  4. Gorgeous outfits!


  5. Amazing looks! Would you like to follow each other via GFC, bloglovin, facebook and instagram?

    Evi xoxo

    The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

  6. That sounds like such a cool store! You guys made some great looks... my favorite is #3!

  7. I was already following you on GFC dear! Thank you for stopping by!

    Come back soon to visit me on The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

    Evi xoxo

  8. amazing outfits <3 love it !!
    I am following you via GFC !:) Hope you`ll do the same :)

    xoxo fashboom.blogspot.com

  9. HELLO DEAR ... !
    Thanks so much for stopping by and commented on my blog!
    beautiful outfit and perfect shots
    Of course I want to keep in touch .... if you want, I'd be really happy if you'd like to follow each other? ... let me know

    MY BLOG> http://mcaruso930.blogspot.it/
    FACEBOOK> http://www.facebook.com/ThisIsMyStyleByMartinaBlog?ref=h
    ISTANGRAM> http://instagram.com/martina_caruso_style/

  10. you are such a pretty girl ! following your blog . love if you would follow mine :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.



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